
There are many theories about dreams including how they occur and what they may mean, if anything. Dreams may not serve any purpose at all and may be merely a by-product of two evolutionary adaptations - sleep and consciousness. The question about the function of dreaming is still unanswered. Dreams often involve the dreamer in…

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Depression and the impact on fatigue

While we all experience low mood from time to time, it is important to understand that this is not depression. Depression is more than just a low mood. Depression is……

What are the signs and symptoms of fatigue?

Some of the key signs to look out for are listed below. Drowsiness is an impaired awareness associated with a desire to sleep and signs include:errors in familiar tasksrepeated yawningdifficulty……

Top tips for management mental health

Putting it all together Depression, anxiety and stress are major risk factors of fatigue. The good news is that they are all treatable conditions and many people overcome mood disorders……

Food quality & fatigue

You are what you repeatedly eat! The food that you eat provides the fuel for your body to do everything it needs to do, every second, of every single day.……

Sleep & physical activity

Do I exercise or just have a sleep? It is not uncommon for people experiencing fatigue to put this down to lack of sleep, when in actual fact there are……

Avoiding injury when exercising

Regardless of your exercise choice, one truth applies to everyone: preparation can prevent injury. Many common exercise injuries stem from overlooking two basics: warm-up and stretching. Warm-up: The idea of……

Iron levels and fatigue

Iron is a mineral. It is necessary to make haemoglobin (an oxygen carrying molecule) in the blood. If iron is not eaten in adequate amounts in the diet; anaemia, tiredness……

Exercise and sleep

Regular exercise can considerably improve the quality and quantity of sleep, as well as, having other benefits to general health and wellbeing. Exercise improves sleep by improving the release and……

Sleep Disorders

It is estimated that 6% of the population suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep disorders may make some health conditions worse such as, heartburn, depression, asthma and heart disease. Sleep disorders……

Managing stress and Fatigue

Stress is something that has been with us for a long time. Even though the cause of our stress has changed, the response in the mind and body has remained……