Exercise and sleep
Managing mental health with your lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is paramount for the treatment and prevention of mood disorders. Healthy lifestyle includes a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise and reduced alcohol consumption. Lifestyle changes help……
Sleep debt
Sleep debt is the cumulative effect of not getting enough sleep. Two kinds of sleep debt have been proposed: 1) partial sleep deprivation; or 2) total sleep deprivation. Partial sleep……
What is fatigue?
Fatigue is not a condition, but rather a symptom of many different situations, illnesses or conditions and can be defined quite simply as a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack……
What can you do to manage fatigue?
Taking action against fatigue happens in two forms: 1) the action you take when you experience fatigue; and 2) the action you take to prevent fatigue and therefore become more……
Top 10 sleep tips
Poor sleep habits have often been reinforced over many years. The good news is that there are some common things you can do that will improve your sleep hygiene. Different……
Are you exercising hard enough?
A word of caution.If you have been inactive for a while, you may want to start with less strenuous activities such as walking or swimming at a comfortable pace. Beginning……
10 exercise tips to help beat fatigue
Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all exercise adds upEase into it! If you’ve been sedentary for a long time, are overweight,……
Meal type and fatigue
It is often promoted that foods high in carbohydrate make you drowsy because they increase the uptake of the amino acid tryptophan by the brain. Tryptophan is a chemical that……
When should I sleep?
Our levels of alertness and attention are influenced by our circadian rhythms, as shown in the figure below. Circadian rhythms allow us to feel more alert during the day and……
What causes fatigue?
Fatigue is caused by a range of different factors. It is usually not just one factor but a combination of factors that will explain someone’s fatigue. Being able to characterise……