Supervisor Functions

Automating Workplace Fatigue Risk Management Systems

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Support front-line supervisors

Supervisors have a key role to play in the Fatigue Risk Management System. The Kiosk has been designed to enable supervisors to identify, assess and manage employees work hours, fitness for work, fatigue impairment and journey management risk all in one place.

Supervisor Compliance and JMP Approval_med res

Supervisor features

Traffic light compliance dashboard

Get notified when workers exceed work hours

Access team memeber fatigue assessments (fitness for work, fatigue impairment and journey management plan)

Send individual and group fatigue assessments

Invite new employees

Enable supervisors to report on the implementation of company procedure

Schedule shifts for workers and evaluate the shift against company work hour guidelines

Approve or decline journey management plans

Overtime approval process allowing visibility of non compliant shifts

Complete fatigue assessments on behalf of workers.

View employee shift violations 28 days in the past and 28 days into the future

Operationalise your Fatigue Risk Management System

Assess, monitor and control fatigue risk by using FatigueTech

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