Mealing timing and fatigue

Our bodies perform best when given a regular supply of food throughout the day rather than one large meal. This means that to start maximising your energy you need to have a good think about when you eat your meals, and how much you have. Once you find a good pattern of eating you will…

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Types of mood disorders

Mental health can generally can be seperated into three categories: stress, anxiety, and depression and can all directly or indirectly increase the risk of fatigue. They are all common and……

Iron levels and fatigue

Iron is a mineral. It is necessary to make haemoglobin (an oxygen carrying molecule) in the blood. If iron is not eaten in adequate amounts in the diet; anaemia, tiredness……

Assessing your Fatigue

Your personal safety, and the safety of those around you, is dependent on three factors when it comes to fatigue: recognition that you are feeling fatigued;understanding the potential consequences of……

Food quality and quantity

The quality and quantity of food you choose can make a huge difference to body weight. The difference between the two diets on the right is 5700kJ. Someone that eats……

What factors increase the risk of a fatigue-related incident?

The following factors have been found to increase the risk of fatigue-related incidents (e.g. lane crossings) and accidents By planning your journey more carefully, you are more likely to stay……

Sleep & physical activity

Do I exercise or just have a sleep? It is not uncommon for people experiencing fatigue to put this down to lack of sleep, when in actual fact there are……

Sleep debt

Sleep debt is the cumulative effect of not getting enough sleep. Two kinds of sleep debt have been proposed: 1) partial sleep deprivation; or 2) total sleep deprivation. Partial sleep……

Body weight & fatigue

EXCESS BODY FAT INCREASES THE LIKELIHOOD OF SOMEONE GETTING FATIGUED Imagine walking around all day with a backpack on containing a 10 kg brick. Wouldn’t you feel more tired at……

What can you do to manage fatigue?

Taking action against fatigue happens in two forms: 1) the action you take when you experience fatigue; and 2) the action you take to prevent fatigue and therefore become more……

Food quality & fatigue

You are what you repeatedly eat! The food that you eat provides the fuel for your body to do everything it needs to do, every second, of every single day.……