Managing mental health and fatigue
Mealing timing and fatigue
Our bodies perform best when given a regular supply of food throughout the day rather than one large meal. This means that to start maximising your energy you need to……
Why is fatigue a problem?
The consequences of fatigue are unpredictable. They can range in severity and should not be taken lightly. The simple act of falling asleep may result in something as harmless as……
Sleep Disorders
It is estimated that 6% of the population suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep disorders may make some health conditions worse such as, heartburn, depression, asthma and heart disease. Sleep disorders……
Exercise and sleep
Regular exercise can considerably improve the quality and quantity of sleep, as well as, having other benefits to general health and wellbeing. Exercise improves sleep by improving the release and……
Is it possible to have too much sleep each night?
It is still largely unknown how many exact hours of sleep per day are needed in adults, according to their age, their environmental and socio-cultural characteristics. It is generally cited……
Sleep medication
Sleeping medication may be helpful to overcome short term needs or significant life events, such as grief or high stress events. Sleeping medication can be used to improve sleep quantity……
Types of mood disorders
Mental health can generally can be seperated into three categories: stress, anxiety, and depression and can all directly or indirectly increase the risk of fatigue. They are all common and……
Mood and sleep
It’s no surprise that sleep, or a lack of sleep, affects our mood. One sleepless night will cause most people to be more irritable, short-tempered and stressed. After a good……
Optimising sleep for night shift
In a 2018 article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ 2018;360:j5637 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j5637 [Published 1 March 2018]) the topic of optimsing sleep for night shift was covered with the aim……
How much sleep do you need?
The amount of sleep that people require varies between individuals depending on many factors. Age is a major determinant of the quantity of sleep. The table below provides a general……