Fatigue Management Project
CLIENT: Ausgrid
INDUSTRY: Utilities
DURATION: Jan 2019 - Current
WORKFORCE: Over 3000 people
To support the review, development and implementation of the companies Fatigue Risk Management System.
Ethos Heath was initially engaged to train over 900 Ausgrid field services workers and leaders against nationally recognised standards, during which insights were gathered from the workforce of limitations and improvements that were proposed by the work group to assist them manage fatigue.
Ethos Health undertook a fatigue risk assessment to review work and non-work related fatigue hazards, analysis of risk, identification of current mitigation strategies, development of recommendations for additional controls and the development of a risk treatment plan. This risk treatment plan was then used to guide the review of operational policy and procedures.
Sydney & Newcastle
Ethos Health was engaged to develop an organisation wide fatigue procedure and provide technical fatigue expertise during workforce consultation.
Ethos Health are currently supporting the implementation and organisational change management process to ensure the procedure is successfully implemented.